Sunday, November 28, 2010

Inspiration Project

For this project Dara told me to find some music that relaxes me and try to create something from that. Often times the most relaxing music for me is music that reminds of something in the past or some part of my life. It's sort of the nostalgic feeling that relaxes me. It can take my mind off whatever is happening and bring back memories of something else. Once I fell asleep listen to a certain cd and now every time I listen to it I get really relaxed but mostly tired. I decided to listen to some music as I was taking a nap. During that nap I had a few dreams. I decided to take the dream that I remembered best and recreate it in a video. This video is not exactly what my dream was but it's pretty close to what I remember it being. I thought it would be cool to shoot a video that recreates a dream that I had while sleeping listening to music no matter how random or unordered it was (and it is very random).

In this dream I dreamed that lights somehow worked without needing electricity and that I needed to go somewhere with one of them. That is all I remember of it.

This was "filmed" with my mom's crappy point and shoot camera. Please bare with the cheesy/bad editing and randomness. It was just a dream after all, anything can happen.

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