Sunday, September 19, 2010

Our Digital Sense

If I had another sense I would want it to be a digital sense. This type of sense would be able to receive and interact with digital signals from a device similar to how an antenna receives television signals. In fact, if we had this sense we would be able to receive television signals. We wouldn't necessarily see or hear the the signal, our minds would just perceive or interpret it. We could still hear and see the result of the digital signal we just wouldn't be using our eyes or ears to do that. It would be very similar to dreaming except we could control it. This would revolutionize the way we interacted with computers or anything digital.
The device I would create would be a car that you could drive with your mind. The car would have a computer inside of it that would be connected to all of the car's basic controls. Since computers are digital devices and we can give and receive digital signals with our new digital sense, we could virtually drive the car with our minds. This free's up the need for a steering wheel, pedals or drive sticks. It would be a very pleasant and relaxing way to drive if you didn't have to physically control anything. Have you ever needed both of your hands to do something else besides controlling the steering wheel while you were driving? Well, with this new digital sense that luxury would be yours.

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